Yuvraj Agarwal
Associate Professor, Software and Societal Systems
Yuvraj Agarwal is a tenured Associate Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon, and the director of SynergyLabs. He is affiliated with the Software and Societal Systems Department (S3D), the Human Computer Interaction Institute (HCII), and ECE (by courtesy) at CMU. His group focuses on building hardware and software systems that are safe, secure and privacy sensitive for application domains including smart buildings, Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Mobile Devices. In addition to publications at competitive conferences (MobiSys, Ubicomp, SenSys, IPSN, NSDI, USENIX, Oakland, USENIX, BuildSys, CHI) SynergyLabs specifically strives to build and deploy systems that have real world impact and benefit society. His research has been covered by the popular press including the Wall Street Journal, NPR, Politico, MIT Technology Review, Nature, Engadget, etc. Several of the systems that Yuvraj and his students have built have been deployed at scale on the CMU and UCSD. The systems that he has built for studying mobile privacy have been used by hundreds of thousands of users and have had significant industrial impact. Most recently, Yuvraj was invited to the U.S. White House to present his IoT Security and Privacy Label work, which has influenced the launch of the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark for connected devices and is influencing several other global efforts. Yuvraj is a member of the IEEE, ACM and USENIX.