Carnegie Mellon University

Megan Li

Megan Li

  • CIC 2222E
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Hi! I’m a first-year PhD student at S3D within Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science, jointly advised by Lorrie Cranor and Hoda Heidari.

I graduated from Harvey Mudd College in 2024, where I majored in Computer Science and Math. As an undergraduate, I spent two summers at CMU’s CyLab working with Lorrie Cranor [usable security & privacy], one summer at MIT’s IDSS with Peko Hosoi [housing equity & algorithmic fairness], two semesters with Professor Susan Martonosi [misinformation on social media], and two semesters with Lawrence Livermore National Lab through the Harvey Mudd Clinic Program [empirical scaling laws in machine learning].